It didn’t rain.

Hello-, I feel so lazy these days. I haven't been to a gym (since my membership expired), I go home and watch TV & listen to music, go to bed super early, etc... K-kun is in Japan as a business trip and Gurpreet is in India for vacation. I miss you...

Today, it didn't rain. It was actually beautiful outside. I really hope it stays this way on Friday and the rest of the weekend because we are driving a long way.

I have so many meetings these days, and in those meetings, I have to present my student's present level (how well he/she is doing, etc... it's about 2-3 page report) and goals for a year. I used to be soooo nervous to do this because there are several people (all professional people, like a psychologist, parents, ot, pt, teacher) attending, but after I've done this milion times, I'm getting used to it. March is jam-packed with this kind of meetings...I can't wait this month to be over.

I'm thinking to go to the gym today and start a membership again. Ha-, another big expense... Oh well, it's been pretty unhealthy to stay home, take a long bath, watch TV, and sleep too much, so I think it's a good move. OK, gotta go!

Write me back, K!