Hello girls!!!

Hey hey hey!!! It's been a while since I checked my own blog, but I'm so thrilled to see you girls are writing me back! Thank you & sorry that I didn't read them till now. How are you?!?! I miss you all.

Yes, I'm feeling much better. I got a stomach flu last week.

My laptop is georgeous. I wish I can do internet soon. I don't have a phone line yet, so it will take a few weeks (or more?) to get DSL in my room.

It's Thrusday afternoon, and I'm about to take off. I'll have my cousin, Kaori-chan and her babies tomorrow here in Oakland. I'm so excited!!!

Mama, my hair is so loooong now. I don't change hair color, but it's pretty bright brown due to pool water. I'll post pictures as soon as I get DSL. I saw Mika-chan's picture on your blog. She is so beautiful!

Yoko, e-mail me. How's your life?

Ara-chan, did you move yet? Send me pics of your family!

Kaori-chan, I'll call you tonight after gym.