goodbye BK

i met BK-san last night at 10:30pm, took him and oda to walmart. we had a cup of coffee at starbucks, then went to wimbledon to drop him off. BK-san went back to Japan today for good,leaving golden memories, lots of legends, and a huge achievement. we promised to meet again when we become big and rich!

  • thoughts

grace and sasha are super. i'm so happy to be able to work with such wonderful people.

  • inspiration

sasha's shoes (cute!), grace's passion towards students, BK-san's tomodachino-wa & his attitude to treasure his friendship

  • music

t-rex (from yesterday), suicide, "grapefruits CHO-DAI"

  • to do

send ASHA stuff for sure, make money order for credential, take photos, go to bank

  • wanna do

keep knitting, speculate about thanksgiving trip plan