f**k immigration office

  • ashiato

shigoto, finished 2 reports, called ASHA, wrote progress notes, very very professional discussion with grace re: my student, got home, went to buy milk & yogurt, several phone calls, none of them comforted me, made me more depressed... (people need to be said something encouraging even if it's unrealistic or stupid. i wanted somebody who cheers me up and boosts up my spirit...too good to be true), anyway, fumi-san came over, talked for an hour, now.

  • music

forgot to bring new tapes, so listened to the same one as yesterday...
asaichi no "tajima-voice" was sooooo comfortable, suicide (i never listened to the lyrics of 'frankie' song seriously before...it's sooo shocking, sad, very discriptive like watching a movie-->super cool), a! yoshi lovinson, too-->i love it! thanks for making these tapes for me.

  • Dear Mama

thank you for your comments! i'm so glad to hear you are doing well in taipei. i know it's just great that we get more connected by our blogs. i love yours bc it's well written and has lots of pics. mine sucks! does it really make sense to you? i try to make it simple and short so that i can keep writing it. if i write long each time, i can't continue...but i'm gonng write more so that people can at least understand what i did and thought for that day. also, i'm gonna try to put more pics! miss you sooo much.

  • thoughts

people think i have the highest to tolerance with kids' behavior, stupid technology, like slow computer, never properly functioning printer, or slow customer service. this time, my patince ran out. everyday, i work for nothing. i've been working as a free labor for a month, but money keeps going away ruthlessly. i'm so frustrated with immigration office that i can't really focus on anything else. i'm obsessively worrying about it. can't sleep well and dream about it. i'm just waiting for another day to be passed until i get the permission. i really appreciate my colleagues for covering my caseloads and meetings. thank YOU for your patience.

  • a thing made happy

two days ago, BK-san told me that he totally fell in love with Qururi's album that I gave him, and "good morning" became one of his best favorite songs, the perfect song for his departure for his new life, he said. hahaha, i knew he would love it!

  • my fingers...

hey, i'm getting the same problem on my fingers, dry, rough skin. i don't really do dishes these days, so i don't know what caused it...bacteria???