Long time no see ya!

Hello-, how are you doing??? I hope you guys are still checking my blog. My internet has been totally down last several weeks, I haven't been able to update my blog. We've been trying so hard, but nothing worked so far. I hate SBC & Netgear. You guys suck!

  • Great News!

First of all, I'm finally an official Speech-Language Pathologist because I passed the national exam!!!

Next, my visa has finally come. Now, I'm fully employed. My first paycheck will come on November 7th!

Finally, I've got a super deal on my new apartment!!! It's in Oakland, near Lake Merrit. It's a studio (SF, Victorian style building, so cute in&outside). Kitchen is separated from the room. THere are so many restaurants and shops around! I only pay $750/month + water and garbage paid by the owner!!! I'm thinking to move in January.

  • Tomorrow

Halloween party @ Bonnie's. I can go swim, too! Laundry.

OK, I'll update my blog as often as I can! Bye!