Long Time No See Ya!

Hello guys! I'm writing from my work. I'm about to leave, but since all my colleagues left, I can kinda do my personal stuff...!

I've been busy going to the gyn all the way to San Leandro from Oakland (since my membership was going to expire), decorating my room, and of course, work.

My room is getting prettier and prettier. Yesterday, I've gotten a poster of Frida Kahlo. I also got some stuff to put around and hang arount my room, and my landowner gave me beautiful antique chairs. All I need now is a desk and a laptop!!!

Tomorrow is a payday, so I'm thinking to buy a laptop. I can't really save money although I try hard. Maybe I can't have good savings until the end of this year. I still plan to go to Taiwan in April, visit Japan twice this year, too. Oh man-, am I spending money too much?

I just want to say hi to everybody. Arachan, I dreamed about you several days ago. Yoko, thank you for calling my mom on her birthday. I love you all!!! Please write me back! OK, time to go home. I wanna have a nice hot chai in my lovely room with lovely music.

Sparks, Yellow Monkey, The Rolling Stones (Did you see the foot ball game yesterday, Mr. K?), I can't remember... Yura Yura Teikoku