
One more day to go!

This week flew by so fast. We didn't have school on Monday, that's why. I can't belive it's been a week since Kenzo came last Friday. Oh yes, it's so busy here. Yesterday, after school, Grace, Jim, and I went to the area called Rockridge. …

Minimum Day!

It's only 3:15pm, but this campus seems to be empty. Kids went school early today, and staff also left right after the all-staff meeting... Grace went home, too! I guess I'm taking off pretty soon.In the all-staff meeting, I was recognized…

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Hi guys! Happy Valentine's Day! We had a dance part here at my school (where I work...let me clarify that just in case). I got a card and box of chocolate from one of my students, that was so sweet. Did you do anything special? I'm freakin…

Thursday is now over.

Thursday is over. Yes! It was a busy but very productive day. I'm so exhausted, but I have to go to gym! I have all my stuff with me, so I'm going straight there from here. I got nothing to eat at home, so I have to do some groceries. I ju…

Should I?...I know I should.

Hello-, Yeah!!! Wednesday is over! Working in this school, days goes crazy fast. I can't beleive the half week is already gone. Oh well, it's a good thing.There is a bakery, called Arzmendi on Lakeshore. They have so many delicious bread a…

Long Time No See Ya!

Hello guys! I'm writing from my work. I'm about to leave, but since all my colleagues left, I can kinda do my personal stuff...! I've been busy going to the gyn all the way to San Leandro from Oakland (since my membership was going to expi…



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